Whoa! That's a tremendous amount of beer! Over 24,000 cases of Narragansett beer sold in a year at Standard Liquors in Providence. Imagine what 24,000 cases in one package store look like. The year before they sold over 22,000 cases. Close to 50,000 cases in two years from one store paints a nice picture of the size and scope of the former Narragansett brewery. We can't make this stuff up. At that time, Narragansett actually accounted for 65% of all beer sales in New England. Figures like this is what helped sustain the former brewery in Cranston and this is what we are working to bring back today. Every case counts, so drink your part New England.
Vintage Photo: Gansett Sales At Standard Liquors In 1966
Whoa! That's a tremendous amount of beer! Over 24,000 cases of Narragansett beer sold in a year at Standard Liquors in Providence. Imagine what 24,000...