70 and Sunny and Worcester was roddin' this Sunday for the Hot Rod & Kustom show at Ralph's Diner. 100% Kulture, Milltown Rodz, and Grace Black Vintage all brought their classic wheels from 1963 and earlier. There was live music, food, and of course Gansett beer flowing. Couldn't have asked for a better weekend. Check out the photos in the gallery below.

Thursday was Narragansett beer night at the
Durham Bulls game as they faced the
Pawtucket Red Sox in Durham, NC. The game sold out since Dice-K faced his Japanese rival, Matsui. They were both on rehab assignments. The Gansett Girls were there pouring samples for folks and raffling off t-shirts. The Bulls won with a score of 5-0.
Tyler’s Taproom across from the park had Gansett Coozie special going too. Buy a Gansett and get a coozie. Peanuts, hot dogs, and ice cold lager beer all help make baseball more enjoyable. Check out the photos below. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]