This past Saturday sponsored the Arm Wrestling Tournament at Baileys Pub in North Providence. The Gansett Girls attended and brought a bunch of give away prizes that were supplied for the winners. Gansett Lager was being sold on draft and was served with an ice cold frosted pint glass! Each winner was given an engraved Narragansett mug determining his or her weight class and if they were a right arm or left arm winner. Many of the competitors traveled from all over New England to compete in this event. Erica and Andrea also received an arm wrestling lesson from one of the professionals. To their surprise they learned that arm wrestling is 35% strength and 65% technique! The organizers of the tournament plan on holding 3 to 4 a year now, and you know Gansett will be there again. So if you missed this one, keep checking our events page for more.
Weekend Recap: Gansett Girls Learn To Arm Wrestle
This past Saturday sponsored the Arm Wrestling Tournament at Baileys Pub in North Providence. The Gansett Girls attended and brought a bunch of give away...