With summer winding down, people were out and about enjoying some of the finest weather New England has seen since last summer. BBQs were fired up, Surfers were out (Sharks be damned), and Gansett was the beverage of choice.
Paddy's in Westerly seemed to be the place to be if you wanted to take in one last weekend before we inch our way to fall and winter. The Gansett Girls were there in full force, doling out t-shirts and getting everyone tatted and sampled with New England's favorite brew.
See more after the jump!
McKinley's in East Greenwich also showed that they had some end of summer love from Narragansett.
And to wrap things up Captain Mel True caught this monster of a fish and declared "I scored this 37 pound bass and he was all boozed up! The bass had a live scup and a Gansett for his last meal. Now I can have the bass and a Gansett for my next meal!"