New England was buried in over 2 feet of snow this weekend. It was a record breaking storm and one of the worst since the Blizzard of '78. Today most people are digging out and several are without power. So a lot of folks were sending us photos of them riding out the storm with their 'Gansett chillin' in the snow. Not much else to do during a snow storm. We hope everyone weathered it okay and don't forget the milk and bread.
Halfway To Avalon celebrated the release of their newest EP last week at the
Middle East club just before the storm hit. The place was packed and since 'Gansett sponsored the show that's all anyone was drinking. The show was awesome and all the bands rocked. Especially loved hearing some new tunes from the dudes in HTA. Their playing in Providence soon at Simon's with Bad Rabbits and we'll definitely be there. Check them out at
HalfwayToAvalon.com when you can.