This Weekend In Philly: 6th Annual Silver Ages Holiday Performance
Calling all Concerned Consumers of Concordant Crooning, Your harmonious friends in The Silver Ages ask that you look ahead toward another corner soon to appear...

Calling all Concerned Consumers of Concordant Crooning, Your harmonious friends in The Silver Ages ask that you look ahead toward another corner soon to appear in that Windshield Called Your Life. The metaphorical corner I mean, of course, is January 19th, day and date of the very next Annual Silver Ages Holiday Concert Spectacular! TICKET LINK: As many of you know, this is a little event we've been mounting for an amazing SIX (6) years at this point, and so it has become a sort of hallowed tradition among our ranks -- and hopefully a few of yours (assuming you have ranks). We work hard all year long to put together a magical evening of song befitting Philadelphia's Premiere Men's Close Close Harmony Vocal Ensemble Comprised Of Guys Who Normally Play Guitars And Drums And Things. As we've done since 2010, we'll be holding our euphorically euphonic festivities at the one and only Ethical Society, located on beautiful Rittenhouse Square in Center City Philadelphia. If you've ever visited this neck of the woods on a wondrous wintery weekend, you'll know it looks exactly like the movies and is therefore a perfect location for just such a soiree of soft and soothing sounds. Another key element of our silvery tradition is the inclusion of some splendidly talented musical friends upon the programme's bill. This year will be no exception, and we are thrilled to bring back two repeat performers in the persons of famous English person John Wesley Harding and the impossibly smooth operator known worldwide as Bing Ji Ling. Consider it a Monsters of Silver Ages Holiday Spectaculars Tour. Longtime Silvery Sophisticates will remember Mr. Harding's indelible set from last year, while Mr. Ling last joined us all the way back in 2007 for our inaugural jam. Clearly, it was time for a reunion. Keeping up with the theme of don't-mess-with-a-good-thing, we will once again be joined by our friends at Art In The Age, who will provide gratis (=free) cocktails conjured with their incomparable concoctions Root, Snap, Rhuby, and Sage. We are also experimenting with a new concoction called Spodee, which will find its way into one of the punch offerings. Beer (of the Narragansett variety), wine, and some softer sips will also be offered for nothing more than a smile and a small consideration for our brave and breezy barbacks. We are also proud to be collaborating with the one and only Forage Haberdashery, and encourage you to explore their many offerings...these are truly breathtaking ties: Onto a few links for your perusal... The Silver Ages took a stroll around Philadelphia just before hitting the stage at last year's show. Nate Johnson captured it in glorious, black and white take-away-show style: The video for John Wesley Harding's new single "Making Love to Bob Dylan", fearturing Janeane Garofalo: Soul brother Bing Ji Ling live in Tokyo in October: So let's make another night of melodious memories and on behalf of all us Silver Ages, have a wonderful and safe holiday season. Love, The Silver Ages Beaver, Charlie, Dan, Dave, Dave, Gianmarco, Heyward Josh, Nick, Rick, Severin, Shai, Todd, and Zach TICKET LINK: 1906 Rittenhouse Square Philadelphia, PA 19103