Discotheque @ Good Life Disco is back! ... Or so the saying goes. In reality, it never went away. Good Life, perhaps the finest dance bar in Boston, is holding the real deal disco affair tomorrow, encouraging '70s dress and featuring some serious DJs: Brenden Wesley, Flavorheard and the untouchable DJ Kon. Guess what? We have four spots on the guestlist, which also includes one free Narragansett beer (!). Be one of the first four people to email the Dig at rsvp@weeklydig.com your favorite disco song and you are in like Flynn. [Sat 2.20.10. 28 Kingston St., Boston. 617.451.2622. 9pm/21+/$7, free with any piece of clothing from the '70s. goodlifebar.com]
This Weekend: Discotheque At Good Life
Discotheque @ Good Life Disco is back! ... Or so the saying goes. In reality, it never went away. Good Life, perhaps the finest dance...