Newport Blues Cafe

Weekend Recap: 4th Of July Celebrations
The weather couldn't have been better here for 4th of July weekend. The beaches of Cape Cod were the busiest they've been in 6 years. Out on Block Island the...
Weekend Recap: 4th Of July Celebrations
The weather couldn't have been better here for 4th of July weekend. The beaches of Cape Cod were the busiest they've been in 6 years. Out on Block Island the Hi Neighbor fun was in full swing at...
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Gansett's 4th Of July Happenings
This is what summer is all about. Enjoying the good hours with friends and family having fun. From backyard cookouts to summer concerts, the summer wouldn't be the same without...
Gansett's 4th Of July Happenings
This is what summer is all about. Enjoying the good hours with friends and family having fun. From backyard cookouts to summer concerts, the summer wouldn't be the same without a Narragansett. Whether it's games like stump, corn...
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The Blue Album At Newport Blues Cafe 10/9
It's that time of year when the air is crisp and the leaves start to turn. Everyone knows to look forward to their local fall fair. In northern Rhode Island...
The Blue Album At Newport Blues Cafe 10/9
It's that time of year when the air is crisp and the leaves start to turn. Everyone knows to look forward to their local fall fair. In northern Rhode Island they've had Autumnfest for over 30 years on...
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