Spring may never be more welcome than it is this year, and with the changing season comes fresh beer. It may be difficult to envision yourself sipping from a tallboy on a patio amid the currently melting slush, but that time will be here before you know it. Just ...a little ...longer. This week I'm giving you a go-to spring beer that won't break your budget. Narragansett Bock is one of several offerings from the iconic brand that will exceed your expectations of what a Narragansett beer can be. You can now get several specialty 'Gansett beers in 22-ounce bottles, but Bock comes in the 16-ounce cans you're used to. That's good for portability, but just like with any beer, you want to pour it into a glass to get the full flavor. Brewed in the style of a German Maibock or Helles Bock, Narragansett Bock pours copper into a large tulip glass. It smells of flowers, fresh cut grass, and bread and butter. I don't get a ton of hops from the nose of this beer, which is brewed with Northern Brewers and Hallertau varieties. The first sip reveals honey and some apple. There's a creamy, almost chewy mouthfeel here with good carbonation. The finish is a touch bitter, but at 32 IBUs (international bitterness units), it's more clean than puckering. Bock packs an ABV of 6.5 percent. This is a very good example for the style, and it also represents an excellent value. A 6-pack of tallboys typically sells for $8.49 to $9.49. It's a good, solid beer to usher in the warmer weather. A quick programming note: I'll be away for a good part of the next week. E-mail me (gdzen@boston.com) and follow me on Twitter and I'll pick up the conversation when I get back. Cheers. - See more at: http://www.boston.com/lifestyle/food/blogs/99bottles/2013/03/review_narragansett_bock.html#sthash.zJ5gihge.dpuf
Reviews: 99 Bottles On 'Gansett Bock
Spring may never be more welcome than it is this year, and with the changing season comes fresh beer. It may be difficult to envision...