The Red Sox have made it to the playoffs! The first game is tomorrow at Fenway against the Tampa Bay Rays. So grab some ‘Gansett and enjoy the game with friends. Or if you're lucky enough to be at the game, look for 'Gansett in the ballpark. Hi Neighbor, go for two!
'Gansett is proudly served in Fenway Park. Look out for the hawkers in the box seat sections 19 – 69. Ask for Gansett at the concessions behind sections 21 and 29. Click here for the seating chart. And here’s the list of more concessions in the park where you can purchase an ice cold Narragansett lager beer:
1) Draft under Section 23 behind home plate (2 handles) Under Section 42 in bleachers (4 handles)
2) Stand behind Home Plate
3) Right next to Gate C near MBTA terminals (Bleacher area)
4) Liquor bar near Gate E (Entrance off Lansdowne across from Cask n
5) Jordan’s/Steiner 3rd Base Deck (section above left field grandstand)
6) Coke bar on upper deck in Left Field
Also, here’s a list of the great Gansett bars around Fenway: Remys, Baseball Tavern, Tasty Burger, Citizen, Sweet Cheeks, Yardhouse, Landsdowne Pub, Cask n Flaggon, Bleacher Bar, Lower Depth, and Cornwalls.
As Curt Gowdy once said, “Hi Neighbor, Have a Gansett!”