Test your knowledge of local lore
A McDonald’s commercial hitting the airwaves these days shows two guys swapping New England-isms, as one guys goes, "Manhattan clam chowder" and the other says, "Never heard of it."
Then the guy goes "drinking fountain" and the second counters with "Bubblah." You get the idea.
So it’s time to drum up a Rhode Island/Aquidneck Island version of this, for a little fun and trivia during a scary week (answers are at the bottom):
1. Name three Rhode Island mayors who went to jail.
2. "Take a right at ____ and get onto East Main Road and then Route 24 to 195 and then head to the Cape."
3. "No school, Foster-Glocester!"
4. Who’s the guy who pranced Aquidneck Island streets in the early ’80s wearing sandwich board signs?
5. "New England wouldn’t be home to me without my ___ store."
6. Notorious Newport "royalty"/ panhandler.
7. Providence mayor known by one name.
8. Newport mayor known by one name.
9. Only Rhode Island band to play "The Ed Sullivan Show."
10. Brit who bought a guitar at Moss Music in 1980.
11. Gulls mascot name.
12. PawSox mascot name.
13. Castaways at Easton’s Beach in 1989.
14. Harpo’s owner and ringmaster.
15. A "Gracious" bar on West Broadway.
16. Sort of a Newport Rush Limbaugh on WADK from the 1950s to ’80s.
17. Romper Room babe of the early 1960s.
18. "Brush your teeth and say your prayers."
19. Two Aquidneck Island natives who played in the NFL.
20. "Hi, Neighbor. Have a ___"
21. Flew in by private helicopter to sing at the jazz festival.
22. Best jukebox on Long Wharf back in the day?
23. Sunny’s maid.
24. Real name of "The Tent."
25. Mocha cakes.
1. Providence’s Vincent "Buddy" Cianci Jr., Pawtucket’s Brian Sarault and Cranston’s Edward DiPrete (who became governor before getting in trouble).
2. Chicken City.
3. Salty Brine.
4. The Skipper.
5. Almacs.
6. Carl "The Count" Oliver.
7. Buddy.
8. "Harp" Donnelly.
9. The Cowsills.
10. John Lennon.
11. Gully.
12. Paws.
13. The Flying Neutrinos.
14. "Crazy Dave" Haddad.
15. The Blue Pelican Jazz Club.
16. Francis J.P. "Sully" Sullivan.
17. Miss Bonnie.
18. Salty, again.
19. John Mellekas and Mike Cloud.
20. Gansett, or in Newport, "Narry."
21. Frank Sinatra.
22. The Narragansett Cafe.
23. Maria Schrallhammer.
24. The Warwick Musical Theater.
25. Frasch’s Bakery.
Jim Gillis is a Daily News staff writer.
Newport Daily News October 31, 2009
S P A R E C H A N G E Test your knowledge of local lore A McDonald’s commercial hitting the airwaves these days...