Beer soap? Yes, of course. Remember that old Gansett commercial of the woman who washed her hair with Gansett? Well we wanted to make a Gansett shampoo, but our local friends at Stella Marie Soap Company beat us to it. They made some soap formulated with Narragansett beer. Apparently the hops herb is known to promote relaxation and used topically, it soothes and softens skin. How awesome is that? They also added some lemon zest to give it a terrific fragrance. So when owner, Kim Gonzaga stopped by with a generous sample we just had to have more. Visit our webstore to purchase one of your own for just $6. But hurry since supplies are limited.
New Gansett Gear: Stella Marie Soap
Beer soap? Yes, of course. Remember that old Gansett commercial of the woman who washed her hair with Gansett? Well we wanted to make a...