Now isn't that something. New holiday ornaments that are a replica of a Narragansett lager beer 6 pack. Perfect for trimming this year's tree. Here we've been re-using empty tall boys as ornaments the past few years. Thanks to the fine folks at My Little Town we can now decorate with an entire 6 pack of bottles and not tip over the tree. They may be mini, but every detail is there. So click here to purchase one now from our online store for only $19.99, or word on the street is they are available at Benny's stores in Rhode Island. These are sure to be gone faster than you can say, "Hi Neighbor Christmas!"
New Gansett Gear: Holiday Ornaments
Now isn't that something. New holiday ornaments that are a replica of a Narragansett lager beer 6 pack. Perfect for trimming this year's tree. Here...