Rain or shine we'll all be celebrating Irish heritage in good spirits this Saturday. It's the 56th Annual Newport St. Patrick's Day parade. This year it falls right on St. Patrick's Day itself. You better believe we have a float. The Gansett mobile will be riding in good company of Tall Boy, Clammie, and the Gansett Girls. Beginning promptly at 11:00am from Newport City Hall, the parade will proceed to Carroll Avenue at Saint Augustin’s Church in the heart of the Fifth Ward. It lasts about 2 hours and will include 7 Pipe Bands, 9 Marching Bands, 4 Fife & Drum Corps, 3 Clown Units, 8 reenactment units, and a host of local, state, and regional organizations including police and fire units, social/fraternal organizations, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Schools, and non-profits. Afterwards we're all heading to Providence for two awesome shows at Fete and The Box.