A luncheon was held on Thursday, December 16 at Twin Oaks in Cranston to celebrate Narragansett's 120th Anniversary and was featured on WJAR NBC 10 in Rhode Island. Attendees at the lunch were some former Narragansett Brewing Company employees including former RI Governor J. Joseph Garrahy, Herb Browne, Bill Considine Jr. and Bob Burgess with new executives Mark Hellendrung, Jim Crooks and Joe O'Neil. If you'd like to come and celebrate our 120th Anniversary too, then come down to The Met in Pawtucket on Wednesday, December 29 for one amazing party featuring some great live music. Click here for tickets and more info on that!
Luncheon To Celebrate Narragansett's 120th Anniversary!
A luncheon was held on Thursday, December 16 at Twin Oaks in Cranston to celebrate Narragansett's 120th Anniversary and was featured on WJAR NBC 10...