Lovecraft For Your Valentine

It's a 'Gansett tradition to bring beer and flowers to some very special valentines on Valentine's Day ever year, but this year we're taking things...

Lovecraft For Your Valentine

It's a 'Gansett tradition to bring beer and flowers to some very special valentines on Valentine's Day ever year, but this year we're taking things a little darker...

The latest brew in The Lovecraft Series starts hitting shelves soon, but we're willing to guess that you'd love to shares one with your valentine before then. We can make that happen.

Through our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds you'll have a chance to have 'Gansett's own Tall Boy visit your valentine on Valentine's Day with flowers and a case of the currently unreleased next beer in the Lovecraft Series!

So, do your sweetheart a favor. Give the gift from the very bottom of R'Lyeh and enter now.


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