The Gansett Wall of Fame is a new series on the Hi, Neighbor blog and will profile Gansett Beer's finest family members and supporters throughout the years. Our first entry in the series is that of the legendary Harold "Turkey" Blanchard. Here's his story as submitted by a fan:
"Scituate, Massachusetts, Scituate Water Department, retired, USN retired, Narragansett drinker to the core. Back during the summers when I was installing water meters in the crawl spaces under the beach houses along Egypt Beach--a very dirty job--Turkey was my meter installation mentor. After work, we would often go up to the VFW Post 3169 together, where Turkey and I would sit and have a few 'Gansetts. Never, ever, any other beer. To Turkey, there was no other beer. One of his favorite things (next to a rowing dory, or a good cigar back in the days before cigars became "de rigueur") was the first ice cold Narragansett after a hot summer day of hard work. This was back in the 70s, before DPW trucks had air conditioning. A cold Gansett at the end of a hot summer day was no more well-deserved than it is today, though it felt more well-earned. At the VFW Post with Turkey, I learned that the IITYWYBMAD sign over the bar meant "If I tell you will you buy me a drink?" and that those pickled eggs in the jar were actually pretty good. He also made me a loyal Narragansett man, right through my school years at Southeastern Massachusetts University (now UMass Dartmouth) and beyond, until I moved to Texas, where there was no Narragansett. However, because of my years of loyalty and understanding of what a regional beer truly was, I was rewarded with a job working as the advertising and marketing guy for the Pearl Beer distributor in Corpus Christi, Texas. I also found the Pearl Brewery in San Antonio to be as grass roots and real as the Narragansett brewery was in Rhode Island. I would not have known this if it was not for John English, who led the most incredible brewery tour I have ever taken, and I have taken many, from Colorado to Florida and back again. I still remember it to this day, which is why it warmed my heart to see his name under a bottle cap. But I would probably have none of these memories, if not for Turkey Blanchard. And I am not alone. Turkey was a goodwill ambassador for Narragansett in a time when people were sticking their collective noses in the air in favor of those 70s exotic Tuborg Gold. What a bunch of fakers. But not Turkey. He was the real and loyal deal--a true New Englander, and Gansett man to the soul."
We encourage anyone to submit stories of folks whom you feel should be inducted into the 'GANSETT WALL OF FAME. Submit your stories and profiles here.