Above is the video of the Gansett Gang delivering the first case to our first weekly winner, Phill. You too can win FREE BEER and we’ll deliver it to you. It’s as easy as clicking here to head to our page on Facebook and Take The Pledge to Drink Your Part! So that we can build a new Narragansett brewery in New England where it belongs. You’ll automatically be entered to win our weekly giveaway and could get a free case of ‘Gansett delivered right to your door by someone from the ‘Gansett Gang! The more of your friends that sign up means more entries for you too. Remember, every case you buy is another brick in the brewery. WIN FREE BEER AT http://www.facebook.com/narragansettbeer
Facebook Sweepstakes: Winner Week 2
Above is the video of the Gansett Gang delivering the first case to our first weekly winner, Phill. You too can win FREE BEER and...