After sorting through over 50 design ideas we have carefully narrowed it down to these 10. This is after all one of the most important decision of the year. Which design will be the next Father's Day tie and who will win? The winner gets $500 and their tie will be distributed throughout New England for our 2011 Father's Day promotion. Which means during May and June whenever someone buys a case of Gansett at a package store they will get the tie for free. So the designer also earns bragging rights and some local fame. All these finalists will receive one free case of Gansett. Here are the finalist's designs. Let us know what you think and make sure you check back for details on a party. We'll be announcing the winner at a party in early February.
Contest: 2011 Father's Day Tie Design Finalists!
After sorting through over 50 design ideas we have carefully narrowed it down to these 10. This is after all one of the most important...