Finally the wait is over! Here are our highly anticipated 2010 Rebus puzzles! Share these brain teasers with your friends while drinking some cold ’Gansetts! They are sure to provide hours of fun! Check out the full collection and answers after the jump.
1) Too Funny for words = Funny - Funny - Words - Words - Words - Words
2) A cut above the rest = image of a cut (or scissors cutting) over a line with the image of a crest (maybe a blue jays crest with an arrow pointing to it) - C under the line
3) Pain Free Operation = O_ER_T_O_
4) Downright stupid = the word STUPID in the lower right hand corner of box
5) To err on the right side = the word ERR written twice on the right side of a box
6) Shut up and sit down = the words "Shut up" at the top of the box and the words "Sit down" at the bottom of the box
7) Robin Hood = HOROBOD
8) Deep in thought = THODEEPUGHT
9) Turn the other cheek = CHEEK / KEEHC
10) For once in my life = M1Y L1I1F1E
11) What goes up must come down = the word WHAT spelled going up the left side of the box and the word MUST spelled going down the right side of the box
12) First Lady = LADY LADY LADY
13) Safety in Numbers = 831SAFETY964
14) Your under arrest = Y + the image of an oar over the line & A + the image of wrestling - LING under the line
15) Your time is up = Y + image of an oar + the image of a timer (hourglass sands) at the top of a box
16) Trip around the world = the letters T, R, I, P scattered around the image of a globe
17) Skating on thin ice = an image of a person skating over multiple thin capital "I’s" under the line
18) Tongue in cheek = CHTONGUEEEK
19) Hijacking = A2345678910JQK with the letters J & K raised above the rest
20) Forgive and Forget = GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GET GET GET GET
21) Shop til you drop = SHOPSHOPSHOPSHOPU with the letter U lowered below the rest
22) H2O (Water) = HIJKLMNO
23) Look both ways before you cross the street = LOOK KOOL on the left side of the box and the letter U + the image of a cross + the + image of a street on the right side of the box
24) Scrambled eggs = SGEG
25) Six of one, half dozen of the other = 1 1 1 1 1 1 OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER
26) Back the winning horse = ESROH GNINNIW
27) Excellency = XLNC
28) Summary = MARY + MARY drawn out as an arithmetic problem
29) Three Blind Mice = M CE - M CE - M CE (they’ve got no I’s)
30) Mixed Metaphor = PHROMATE
31) You are up in arms over it = ARURMS at the top of the box over a line and the word IT under the line
32) Leftovers = the word "OVERS" written multiple times on the left side of the box
33) May I have this dance = (#16)
34) Don’t call us we’ll call you = (#15)
35) To each his own = (#19) - use image of cheese and bone
36) Don’t flip your lid = (#25)
37) Headline news = (#71)
38) Feature attraction = (#78)
39) The bare essentials = (#80)
40) Daylight saving time = (#92)
41) King Arthur’s Court = (#107)
42) California or bust = (#137)
43) Welcome to the club = (#193) replace gum with a comb
44) The Kentucky Derby = (#209)
45) A treat for the eyes = (#210)
46) Stop dragging your feet = (#213) replace "Your" with Y + oar image and change heels to feet
47) A brilliant deduction = (#238)
48) Relief pitchers = (#347) add image of a 2nd pitcher
49) Very important person = (#354) replace "very" with image of a bear + E
50) The empire strikes back = (#374)
51) Beat the Miami Dolphins = (#395) add image of a bee + T + THE at the beginning
52) You are a rock & roll star = U + R + A + image of a rock + & + image of a roll + image of a star
53) Happily single = "Live Puzzle #100"
54) Dance your ass off = "Live Puzzle #86"