As I’m sure everybody noticed I forgot to announce the winner of the 100 bucks last week. Sorry I was out trying to have a life. Shoot me. Anyway congrats to Sarah last week’s winner for best can. That butt just earned her 100 bucks. The good news for everybody is you don’t have to wait long to see a fresh can as the new week starts in about 30 minutes.
As a reminder at the end of the week the can with the highest score will win $100 and the owner’s face will be revealed. We need more "Best Can" nominations. Send cans to At the end of the summer, assuming Narragansett gets 10,000 new facebook friends we will have a giant Best Can in New England contest where all everybody will be invited back to compete for $2,000.
And next time you see a great can drink a Narragansett....