Bellamy And Cricket

Bellamy Desmond and Arlenea (Cricket) O’Keefe come from Hampton, NH. These two damsels are not Gansset Girls as much as they are Gansett Ladies. They...

Bellamy And Cricket

Bellamy Desmond and Arlenea (Cricket) O’Keefe come from Hampton, NH. These two damsels are not Gansset Girls as much as they are Gansett Ladies. They are both doing their part to help bring Narraganset Beer back to Rhode Island where it ought to be. Bellamy Desmond

Renowned oboist, founder of the first Southern Baptist poly-fidelity commune, cured pork-product aficionado and self-help guru, Bellamy Desmond has spent the last seven years in solitude and meditation on an inorganic lemur ranch in northwestern Wisconsin. She has emerged to share her unique perspective and lemur-loaf recipes with both her devoted fans and unwashed miscreants alike. Names in this column would be changed to protect the innocent, were any to exist. Visit her blog

Arlenea "Cricket" O’Keefe

The role playing side kick of Bellamy Desmond.

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