Wall Of Fame: Free T-Shirt Winner

The Rhode Island of my birth was marked by certain signs: downtown was a faded gray that signaled some former glory; the oranges and yellows...

The Rhode Island of my birth was marked by certain signs: downtown was a faded gray that signaled some former glory; the oranges and yellows of October were signs of frustration that sparked thoughts of spring training; neighborhood liquor stores sported dingy white signs, badges of a local - if battered - pride: "Narragansett Lager Beer Sold Here." You used to see those signs everywhere.

By the time I was old enough to drink a beer, most of the signs were gone, and the beer had become the signature cocktail of the financially insolvent. Occasionally you’d hear something at a barbecue about how it used to be great, some reminiscence about somebody watching the fireflies with his old man while he sipped a ’Gansett.

I moved away. Things changed. I came back.

On my return I was surprised to find that all the signs had changed. The whole state seemed to have gotten cleaned up and had its parts oiled: downtown was now the epicenter of a funky artistic economy; TWO World Series trophies signified our redemption, and the bright white signs with the clipper ship had started sprouting around the state.

As a native Rhode Islander, I have a congenital condition that causes me to be disproportionately enthusiastic about anything good from my home state. When I discovered that Narragansett was delicious, I wanted to shout it from the top of Jerimoth Hill. I started bringing it to parties, sticking cold bottles in empty hands and urging my friends to taste it. It pleased me to see their enjoyment.

And now this - I popped open a frosty ’Gansett to watch the Pats, and the bottle thanked me! There in my hand, printed on the inside of the bottlecap, was a message: "Congratulations on your free T-shirt!"

I’ll wear it with pride. I’m glad New England is starting to see those signs again.

Adam Olenn
Winchester, MA


Hi Hannah,
Congrats! Mail the cap to us at 60 Ship St, Providence, RI 02903 with your shirt size and mailing address. We’ll then send you a shirt.

admin mat

Hi i also got a cap that says “contact us for your T shirt” but it dose not have the FREE so i was wondering is it the same thing? or a different cap…must it say free?

thank you


Hi Cullen,
Congratulations! Please mail the cap to Narragansett Brewing Company, 60 Ship Street, Providence, RI along with your shirt size and mailing address. Then we’ll get that prize out to you.

Narragansett Team

Hi I just opened up a bottle of Narragansett lager and inside thevcap it said that I have to contact you for a fee T-shirt so that’s what in doing, I’d you can get back to me that would be great.


Cullen. Sehulster
cullen sehulster

When I sent in the cap, I flattened it and put it in an envelope. For those sending in a cap, it cost me an extra $.20 worth of postage to send in a flattened cap in a regular envelope…the surcharge was because the envelope needed to be hand sorted(not through the sorting machine)


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