Weekend Recap: A Beer Fest Frenzy

It was a weekend full of beer festivals and we couldn't think of a better place to be. The sun was shining, the birds were...

Weekend Recap: A Beer Fest Frenzy


It was a weekend full of beer festivals and we couldn't think of a better place to be. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and thousands of thirsty beer fans were piled in convention halls to enjoy some brews. In Providence at the Great International Spring Beer Festival, we were pouring lager, summer ale, bock, and porter. At the Beer Summit in Boston, we were pouring lager, summer ale, and cream ale. But in the end, it was Tall Boy that was the most popular. So much so, that one overly excited fan thought it would be a good idea to tackle him. Not so much buddy. Tall Boy has feelings too. All was well and he apologized. Thanks to everyone who stopped by the shows, said Hi Neighbor, and enjoyed some Gansett. See you at the next one.


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